Young Writers Livestream

As part of the Young Writers program, The Literature Centre offers one Livestream workshop per term.

The Livestream workshops run for two hours and can be viewed in school or from the student's home. We recommend viewing the workshops from a computer or laptop so the student can access the interactive functions of the Livestream.

There is a live chat available for students to ask and answer questions from the presenting author and to share their work and ideas with other students connected to the Livestream.

If a class is accessing the stream, teachers can decide if they wish to use one large screen for the whole class or one device per student when available.

Time: From 10am to 12pm (with a 10 minute break at 11am).

Fee: $20 per student or a $200 flat fee for a class of up to 35 students. 

Free access to Regional WA schools with ICSEA < 1000.  

A recording of the Livestream will be available for students unable to attend live. 

View or download the Livestream Timetable and Registration forms below.